FOOD | Baked Cheese Ravioli

There is no greater feeling of accomplishment in the kitchen then when you rummage through your fridge and cupboards and throw together an amazing meal.

You feel like Iron Chef meets Martha freaking Stewart. And that is pretty badass if "housewife" is one of the dozens of hats you wear each day.

I won't bore you with the details of my day but let's just say that I woke up, worked for a few hours, met with the president of the local arts council, grabbed some necessities from Target (soap, socks, razors, deodorant, etc.), picked up the kid from school, helped her with a Flat Stanley project and home work and then still had to make dinner before the husband came home...

Bored yet?

Anyway, it was Monday and clearly going to be one of *those* days. I wanted something quick, easy, and readily available from my pantry.

Baked Cheese Ravioli | Time: 35 minutes

1 25 oz bag Frozen Cheese Ravioli
2 cups Pasta Sauce
1 cup shredded cheese

Preheat oven to 400° and grease glass baking pan with oil
Pour Ravioli in pan and top with sauce and cheese
Cover with foil and bake 30-35 minutes

Be sure to let pan sit for a few minutes before serving. According to the bag of ravioli the internal temperature needs to reach 165°F.

The best part of this EASY recipe is that it is adaptable to any taste. I could totally envision adding mushrooms, spinach and replacing the marinara with Alfredo sauce.

What combination would you come up with? What is the craziest meal you have thrown together? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


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