About Me

Hi! I'm Meg. And I change my hair color more often than I change the oil in my car.
My first love will always be writing. I was destined to be a writer from the beginning. Years of aptitude tests told me so. I discovered journalism in high school and studied communications in college for two years. 

In 2004 I met a "nice guy" who swept me off my feet with his sheer nerdy-ness. 
{It didn't hurt that he also turned out to be a musician.}

 Growing up, I always assumed I was the kind of girl who would never get married or have a baby. Somehow I managed to do both. 

{I wouldn't trade these two for all the riches in the world.}
After my daughter turned two I went back to school and studied marketing and art gallery design. In 2008, we moved 60 miles south to San Diego (from Orange County) and I opened an art gallery with my mom. It was hands down one of the most amazing learning experiences of my life!
{That's me cutting the ribbon}

Throughout the next couple years I discovered a love for art and a passion for marketing. I ultimately landed a cool job working as a social media coordinator at a local start up company.

{Name on a business card, like a boss}

During my pregnancy in 2005 I was forced on bed rest due to complications. I gained more than 80 pounds thanks to a poor diet and inactive lifestyle. I managed to keep the weight on for nearly 6 years and in 2012 I finally made a commitment to lose it all. 


I lost the weight the opposite way I gained it. I ate less and moved more. The journey taught me a lot about food and exercise and now I'm happy to say that I love being active! Also, I will never let that happen again.

In life I have come to appreciate the following things:
1. Second chances
 2. Beauty defined by character
3. Sleep
4. Energy drinks
5. Unconditional love


Travel Mama | I'm really looking forward to traveling more now that my daughter is older and can start to appreciate it (aka carry her own bag); there are just so many places I want to see in the world. I would love to explore Ireland, London, Paris, and Italy as soon as possible.

Fashionista| I love fashion but rarely practice what I preach. On any given day you will find me in a Tshirt, jeans and pair of converse. It has been my go to since junior high and there are just some things in life that never change.

Social Butterfly | I love all things tech and social. I'm an avid Pinner and Instagram Photographer. I have a love hate relatiosnhip with Twitter and facebook. I think Google is amazing but I will never give up my iPhone.

If you want to learn more I welcome you to check out this blog. I hope to open some windows. I might even unlock a door or two. Hopefully it will turn out to be more than #Foodporn pictures from my instagram feed and love letters to the internet off Facebook. Worst case scenario you will definitely be invited to an art show or Twitter party on a regular basis and let's be honest, who doesn't love a good old fashioned craft fail?

Meg Salas